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课程目录:【一品资源网】A Comprehensive Tutorial and Reference【一品资源网】A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites【一品资源网】Beginning PHP 5 and MySQL E-Commerce【一品资源网】Beginning PHP 6 Apache MySQL 6 Web Development【一品资源网】Beginning PHP and MySQL 5 From Novice to Professional【一品资源网】Beginning PHP and MySQL From Novice to Professional【一品资源网】Build Your Own Database Driven Web Site Using PHP & MySQL【一品资源网】Building Websites with Joomla! 1.5【一品资源网】Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing with Pentaho and MySQL【一品资源网】Core Web Application Development with PHP and MySQL【一品资源网】Dimensional Data Warehousing with MySQL A Tutorial【一品资源网】Effortless E-Commerce with PHP and MySQL【一品资源网】Expert MySQL, 2nd Edition【一品资源网】Expert MySQL【一品资源网】Expert PHP and MySQL【一品资源网】Head First PHP & MySQL【一品资源网】High Availability MySQL Cookbook【一品资源网】High Performance MySQL, Second Edition【一品资源网】Instant InnoDB【一品资源网】JDBC Metadata, MySQL, and Oracle Recipes【一品资源网】LAMP Linux Apache, MySQL, and PHP5 Web Development【一品资源网】Learning PHP, MySQL, Javascript, and CSS, 2nd Edition【一品资源网】MariaDB Crash Course【一品资源网】Mastering phpMyAdmin 2.11 for Effective MySQL Management【一品资源网】Mastering phpMyAdmin 3.1 for Effective MySQL Management【一品资源网】Mastering phpMyAdmin 3.3.x for Effective MySQL Management【一品资源网】Mastering phpMyAdmin 3.4 for Effective MySQL Management【一品资源网】Murach’s MySQL【一品资源网】MySQL (4th Edition)【一品资源网】MySQL 5.0 Certification Study Guide【一品资源网】MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual【一品资源网】MySQL 5.1 Plugin Development【一品资源网】MySQL Admin Cookbook【一品资源网】MySQL Administrator’s Bible【一品资源网】MySQL Administrator’s Guide and Language Reference【一品资源网】MySQL Bible【一品资源网】MySQL Certification Study Guide【一品资源网】MySQL Clustering【一品资源网】MySQL Cookbook 1st Edition【一品资源网】MySQL Cookbook 2nd Edition【一品资源网】MySQL Cookbook(中文版)【一品资源网】MySQL Crash Course【一品资源网】MySQL Database Design and Tuning【一品资源网】MySQL Database Usage & Administration【一品资源网】MySQL for Python【一品资源网】MySQL High Availability【一品资源网】MySQL in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition【一品资源网】MySQL in a Nutshell【一品资源网】MySQL Management and Administration with Navicat【一品资源网】MySQL Pocket Reference SQL Functions and Utilities【一品资源网】MySQL Stored Procedure Programming【一品资源网】MySQL Troubleshooting What To Do When Queries Don’t Work【一品资源网】MySQL 技术内幕  InnoDB存储引擎【一品资源网】MySQL必知必会【一品资源网】MySQL性能调优与架构设计【一品资源网】MySQL技术内幕(第4版)【一品资源网】PHP & MySQL For Dummies, 4th Edition【一品资源网】PHP & MySQL Novice to Ninja, 5th Edition【一品资源网】PHP & MySQL The Missing Manual【一品资源网】PHP 5  MySQL Programming for the Absolute Beginner【一品资源网】PHP 6 and MySQL 5 for Dynamic Web【一品资源网】PHP 6 MySQL Programming for the Absolute Beginner【一品资源网】PHP and MySQL 24-Hour Trainer【一品资源网】PHP and MySQL by Example【一品资源网】PHP and MySQL Create - Modify - Reuse【一品资源网】PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites Visual QuickPro Guide【一品资源网】PHP and MySQL Web Development, 2nd Edition【一品资源网】PHP and MySQL Web Development, 3rd Edition【一品资源网】PHP and MySQL Web Development, 4e【一品资源网】PHP MySQL Programming for the Absolute Beginner【一品资源网】PHP&MySql范例精解【一品资源网】PHP5 and MySQL Bible【一品资源网】PHP6 and MySQL Bible【一品资源网】PHP和MySQL WEB开发(第4版)【一品资源网】Practical PHP and MySQL Building Eight Dynamic Web【一品资源网】Pro MySQL【一品资源网】Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache All in One【一品资源网】The Definitive Guide to MySQL 5, Third Edition【一品资源网】The Definitive Guide to MySQL, Second Edition【一品资源网】The PHP Programming with MySQL The Web Technology Series【一品资源网】Understanding MySQL Internals【一品资源网】Web Applications with Apache, MySQL, memcached, and Perl【一品资源网】深入浅出MySQL数据库开发、优化与管理维护【一品资源网】高可用MySQL-构建健壮的数据中心【一品资源网】高性能MySQL(第二版)中文版




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