首页 > PPT模板 > 教育培训 > 《晓出净慈寺送林子方》古诗二首PPT优质课件


## **《晓出净慈寺送林子方》古诗二首PPT优质课件介绍**

### **一、课件背景**


### **二、课件内容**


* **晨兴**

> 晨兴理发净慈寺,

> 印叶茅檐做小扉。

> 花径不曾缘客扫,

> 蓬门今始为君开。


> In the morning, I visited the Jingci Temple to have my hair cut,

> The temple gate is made of茅檐, and the door is small.

> The path leading to the flower has not been swept for the guests,

> Today I open the door for you for the first time.

* **送别**

> 寒山远火欲微明,

> 旅馆寒灯独未眠。

> 客心一枕难入梦,

> 山寺钟鸣枕上闻。


> The lights of the distant temple are about to dim,

> The lamp in the guesthouse is still on.

> The guest's mind is full of thoughts, unable to fall asleep,

> The temple bell rang on the pillow.


* **登高**

> 登高远眺寺门开,

> 林间阴翳鸟声哀。

> 松下石床铺翠藓,

> 枕上诗书与君别。


> Climb to a high place and look into the distance, the temple gate is open,

> The birds in the woods are sad.

> There is a stone bed under the pine tree covered with green moss,

> We say goodbye to each other on the pillow with books and poems.

* **惜别**

> 醉眠秋共一床,

> 携手同行到门墙。

> 灯火星星秋月白,

> 画图难状此时情。


> We were drunk and slept in the same bed in autumn,

> We walked hand in hand to the door.

> The lights are twinkling, the autumn moon is white,

> It is difficult to describe the feeling at this moment.

### **三、课件特色**

1. **图文并茂:**课件中穿插了精美的图片和插图,帮助学生更好地理解诗歌的内容和意境。

2. **音频朗诵:**课件中加入了诗歌的音频朗诵,帮助学生更好地感受诗歌的韵律和节奏。

3. **互动问答:**课件中设计了互动问答环节,帮助学生更好地理解诗歌的内容和含义。

4. **课后作业:**课件中提供了课后作业,帮助学生巩固所学知识。

### **四、课件适用对象**


### **五、课件使用说明**

1. **课前准备:**教师应提前准备好课件,并确保电脑和投影仪正常工作。

2. **课堂教学:**教师根据课件内容,进行讲解和引导,并组织学生进行互动问答和讨论。

3. **课后作业:**教师布置课后作业,要求学生完成相关练习题。

### **六、课件优点**

1. **内容丰富:**课件内容丰富,涵盖了诗歌的背景、内容、意境和艺术特色等多个方面。

2. **形式多样:**课件形式多样,包括图文并茂、音频朗诵、互动问答和课后作业等多种形式。

3. **互动性强:**课件互动性强,能够激发学生学习兴趣,并帮助学生更好地理解诗歌的内容和含义。

4. **适用性广:**课件适用于初中语文教学,也可作为中小学生课外阅读材料。



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时间:2024-04-20 12:00

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